Introducing Solid Foods to your 6-month-old Baby? Here is a complete Food Chart along with some Nutritious Recipes

As your baby completes 6 months, it is time to start the solid foods or semi-solid foods. So far she would have gained all her essential nutrients from mother’s feed…

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Signs Your Baby Has Gas and How To Treat It

Babies are precious little beings that bring immense joy to any household. However, they can also be a source of anxiety for new parents who are learning to navigate their…

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Baby Sleep (Infant Sleep): What to Expect & Tips

The one thing that unites new parents all over the world is sleepless nights. It’s just difficult to get newborns to sleep. And even if they do fall asleep, it’s…

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6-Month-Old Baby’s Food Chart: Quantity and Routine

During the initial months of a newborn, breastfeeding is the way to fulfill all the nutritional requirements. After your little one turns 6 months old, you can decide on which…

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How to shop sensibly for your baby: Here’s a checklist

Whenever you choose to do your shopping, we hope to make your task easier with this list of things you will need for a newborn. It is tempting to think…

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The Ultimate Guide to Baby’s First Bath: Everything You Need to Know

Are you a new parent eagerly awaiting the special moment of your baby’s first bath? Giving your baby their first bath can be an exciting as well as a nerve-wracking…

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Learn All About the Best Home Remedies for Colic to Treat & Manage the Condition of Your Baby

Colic problems, also known as baby colic, is a condition in young babies where they cry due to some internal discomfort. It usually manifests in form of excessive and constant…

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The Ultimate Guide to Buying a Baby Potty Seat for New Parents

When new parents embark on the journey of potty training their child, one of the essential tools they will need is a baby potty seat. A potty seat is a…

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Is your baby 3 months old now? Here’s how to set-up a perfect sleep and feeding schedule for your little one?

Setting up a sleep and feeding schedule for your 3 months old baby will make life comfortable and easier for both the mother and the baby. You must have observed…

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How to Get Babies to Like You

Babies are wonderful little creatures, but they can also be a handful. Handling a baby is always more fun if they like being around you. By giving them lots of…

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