7 Steps to Better Parenting

Raising a happy and healthy child is not an easy feat; it is one of the most challenging yet rewarding jobs for parents.

However, many people do not approach parenting with the same determination and focus they use for jobs.

Several rely on their gut reactions or prefer to pass on the same parenting techniques from their parents.

Ways to Becoming the Best Parent for Your Little One

As a parent, you have to nurture your little ones during their developing years.

Several parenting tools help you raise confident, intelligent, and well-mannered children.

So, do not fret, below are practical steps on becoming the best parents for your kids.

1. Have Quality Time with Your Children

Schedule a daily or biweekly particular time to play with your children.

During this time, forget about the rules in your head and go with the flow. Let the kids have fun and choose the preferred hang-out activity.

Use this quality time to create memories and family rituals like bedtime stories and game nights that you both do.

2. Be Firm, but Loving

You can be firm and loving while holding your kids to high expectations.

Decide what rules are essential to your family, clearly communicate them to your children, and be consistent when enforcing those rules.

Being a better parent does not mean allowing your child to walk all over you.

However, it means maintaining a calm yet firm tone when your child needs reminders about the boundaries and rules you set.

3. Trust Yourself

No one can know your children more than you do, so always trust yourself regarding their health and overall wellbeing.

If your instincts inform you that something is wrong, there is a high likelihood that you are right.

Also, if it tells that you need a break, take some time off to relax; it does not make you a bad parent.

4. Pay Attention to Your Wellbeing

How you take care of your overall physical, mental, and emotional health makes a significant difference in your parenting life.

Your kid is likely to be affected if you fail to de-stress and relax, and you are also more prone to irritability and fighting.

It is often easy to put your health as a secondary need when a child is born, creating time to rejuvenate the mind.

5. Having Boundaries with Your Kids

Do you feel exasperated because your child asks you to play dolls first thing every morning when you are still asleep?

It is common for children to test your set limits, but it is much needed, so they grow into responsible adults.

Setting boundaries when parenting your children is essential as it lets them know the acceptable behaviors and limits.

Establishing these limits with discipline allows you to remain patient and calm because you feel respected when the kids meet your needs.

An excellent way to know when you need to set limits with your kids is in moments you feel tired, impatient, or angry by their recurring behavior.

It is helpful to have a system with consequences like a time out or loss of allocated playtimes.

A common mistake to avoid is lack of consistency and failure to follow through with the consequences.

Be a good role model for your kids

6. Be a Good Role Model

Kids learn a lot from looking at their parents. So be aware that your kids are constantly watching you.

The younger your kids are, the more cues they pick up from you.

So, before you lash out in front of your child, ensure if you want them to emulate that behavior when they are angry.

Exhibit certain traits like respect, kindness, and honesty that you wish to see in your kids.

Above all, treat your kids with love and kindness at all times.

7. Make Communication a Priority

You cannot expect children always to follow your instructions because you are their parents.

They require as many explanations as adults do.

If you are not patient enough to give reasons, your child is likely to ponder on the importance of your values and motives.

Always make your expectations clear and easy to understand.

If possible, always allow your kids to provide a solution with you and to express their feelings.

Be open to negotiating your child’s suggestions, as this helps foster communication between you both.

List of Important Parenting Skills

Everyone wants healthy and happy kids; however, it is no surprise that most parenting skills produce better outcomes than others.

Here are seven parenting skills that produce happier and cheerful children.

1. Stress Management

Not only is handling your stress necessary, but it is also essential to teach your kids stress management and relaxation skills.

2. Autonomy and Independence

You foster your child’s autonomy and independence while teaching them that you respect and believe in them.

3. Education and Learning

Teaching children to learning skills begins at home.

You have to teach your little ones to value education, value learning, and provide educational opportunities for your child.

4. Life Skill

Providing for your little one’s needs and planning for the future is classified under this parenting skill.

Life skills include showing your kid how to view challenges, which aids them in growing resilience and perseverance positively.

5. Behavior Management

As a parent, using positive discipline, reinforcement, and delivering consequences in a kind yet firm manner is vital.

Behavior management helps children feel connected, have a sense of belonging while minimizing their tantrums and emotional outbursts.

6. Health

It is crucial to model healthy lifestyle choices like exercise and good nutrition choices to your kids.

7. Safety

You help ensure your toddler is safe, including having boundaries and being aware of their schedules and friends.

Everything from babyproofing your home to ensuring your kids wear helmets while bike riding is necessary.


It is essential to note that there is a difference between being a better parent and being a perfectionist.

While it is crucial to incorporate steps to improve your parenting skills and strive to be better, don’t beat yourself up when mistakes happen.

No one is a perfect parent.

The good thing is, if you actively set out to be a better parent, there will be no regrets when your child grows into an adult.

And try to make parenting an enjoyable job.

Focus on the areas that require the most attention rather than trying to address everything simultaneously.

Take periods out from parenting to do things that you enjoy individually or with your partner.

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